Art direction, product design

Sense Arena Tennis Website

In 2023, Sense Arena, an innovative tennis training company, partnered with the ATP Tour and needed a new website that combined design elements from both brands. As someone who had been heavily involved in the development of the ATP Tour branding, I was hired by Sense Arena to revamp their website in terms of both style and functionality.

Fluid homepage experience

The homepage is the ultimate chance to deliver information and influence sign-ups. We established the brand voice, partnership, and functional UI with a fluid experience, splashes of color, and design elements.

Integrated sign up & store

Our seamless integration of the signup and store experience fosters user trust through a professional and streamlined UX design.

Trustworthy checkout

Navigating away from a website during checkout can cause distrust among users. Our easy checkout process eliminates friction for sign up and buying.

Fresh and navigable layouts

By creating a fresh and easily navigable layout, we improved the initial style of both brands, resulting in a new, vibrant user interface that was entirely unique.


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